Thousands of students have passed out of our institution and are now flourishing in various walks of life. It gives us great pleasure when we hear stories of success from our students belonging to the past batches. We strongly believe in the universal fact that whatever a student may become in the future depends on the initial schooling years. In other words, the future lives of each and every child is sculptured during the childhood education.
At this point, I would like to share with you a story about a great sculptor of statues. An emperor of a certain kingdom orders his sculptor to carve the most beautiful statue in the world. The sculptor goes about his task and in ten days time presents the emperor with a marvelous looking work of art. The emperor is pleased and happy with the work and praises the sculptor for making the statue. To this, the sculptor humbly remarks, "Your Highness, I have done nothing to produce this beautiful statue. It was already there hiding in the stone you gave me to carve. What I did was to simply remove the unwanted portions of the stone to bring out the hidden statue". We, at the school, are like sculptors and the children are fine pieces of art. When we remove the unwanted traits of a child and infuse a sense of confidence, the child shall automatically develop and be successful in life. My advice to the school children to achieve success in life is: "Never ever close any of these five things. THE EYES, THE MIND, THE HEART, THE FISTS AND THE BOOK.